quiroprata portugal apq

Estudos científicos

A perca de mobilidade numa articulaçăo resulta em mudanças em todos os componentes estruturais dessa articulaçăo, desde o osso á membrana sinovial, desde as meninges ao ligamento amarelo

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– Evans EB, et al. Experimental immobilization and remobilization of rat knee joints.
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– Amiel D, et al. The effect of immobilization on collagen turnover in connective tissue: Acta Orthop Scand.; 1982;53:325-332.
– Enneking WF, Horowitz M. The intra-articular effects of immobilization on the human knee.
– J Bone Joint Surgery; 1972;54A:973-985 .
– Paine KWE, Haung PWH. Lumbar disc syndrome. J Neurosurgery; 1972;37:75-82.